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Message boards : GPUGRID CAFE : What Criteria is being used for Preformance Rank

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Message 41735 - Posted: 5 Sep 2015 | 0:00:34 UTC

I have been watching the performance ranking for the Top average performers (last week long runs) and I can not figure out what data is being used to determine this. Are there only certain long run WU's that are used to calculate this or is there a bug in the data collection system somewhere ?

The reason I ask this is on 1 of my rigs in the last 7 days I have turned in 28 long run WU's with an avg time of 9.71 hrs. per WU which would be #6 on the list in the last 11 I have turned in 43 Long run WU's with an of 9.71 hrs. but I have never made the list, so is there something I am missing, I could not find what the criteria is other than ( NEW: We have included a new ranking that shows the best average performers in the last week with a minimum amount of 10 WU crunched.) and by that criteria if it is working right I should be on the list.

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Message 41842 - Posted: 18 Sep 2015 | 10:47:10 UTC - in response to Message 41735.

We found a bug by which users crunching both Long and Short runs didn't appear on the ranking but it should be fixed by now.

The rationale behind the ranking is the following: users are ranked according to the average computing time for their Long WU. Only users with more than 10 Long WU are taken into account.

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Message boards : GPUGRID CAFE : What Criteria is being used for Preformance Rank
