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Message boards : Wish list : More info on workunits

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Profile Laura_Stevens
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Message 9307 - Posted: 4 May 2009 | 18:56:10 UTC

I think it would go a long way to present a concise view of what each WU is, who and what it is for, and what the objective is for that type of WU.

I know that there is some info on the science pages, and there are posts about new types of WU's, however a little matrix on the front page would be very helpful I think.

perhaps with the following info:
what each section of the WU name represents.
what is the objective/goal for crunching that WU type.
how many WU's are anticipated in that batch.
what % completion is done for that WU type.

I know that a lot of the info is distributed throughout the site, but a small, simple table would be beneficial, because I think many people will not take the time to look through the whole site. I know I had not taken much time to do so until my pdb viewer automatically indexed one of the files in the slots directory and nearly died trying to render a preview. that got me curious, lol.

Profile robertmiles
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Message 9503 - Posted: 9 May 2009 | 5:33:29 UTC - in response to Message 9307.

Is there that much free space left on the home page?

If not, how about just a link to a separate page giving such information?

Profile Stephen Yeathermon
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Message 10012 - Posted: 20 May 2009 | 17:46:38 UTC - in response to Message 9307.

I agree, some information regarding what objectives the different WU's are working toward would be nice to know. My current visit to the website was specifically to look for info on what the HIVPR units are doing. I couldn't really find anything at all. A Google search returned some hits regarding long processing times/hung wu's/timeouts and HIVPR WU avoidance. Personally, I kinda like these and was hoping to find some more info.

Are they just bigger WU's?
Maybe just more computation intensive?

I think a WU matrix/chart is an excellent idea. Some WU background could also help boost participation!

Tom Philippart
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Message 10065 - Posted: 22 May 2009 | 12:56:21 UTC

I really like this cuda based project and it runs great; but let me suggest another improvement:
Could you please add a page which describes every WU batch? 1 sentence is enough!

I'm currently running 2 WUs:

It would be nice to know what protein I'm working on, or what disease or protein function is studied. In a bit more WU-specific sense than the "science" page.

Thanks a lot!

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Message boards : Wish list : More info on workunits
