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Message boards : Number crunching : The last of the 6.10 BOINC clients (6.10.58)

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Message 17427 - Posted: 29 May 2010 | 4:04:25 UTC
Last modified: 5 Jul 2010 | 12:47:36 UTC

The current development version of BOINC is 6.10.58 for all platforms.

It's far easier for us to fix problems if you send message logs with the appropriate flags set. The main flags are:

<cpu_sched_debug>: problems involving the choice of applications to run.
<work_fetch_debug>: problems involving work fetch (which projects are asked for work, and how much).
<rr_simulation>: problems involving jobs being run in high-priority mode.

Use these flags from the cc_config.xml file.

Report any problems you get with it to the Alpha email list. This list needs registration.

Change log since 6.10.56...

- client: Display Mac OS Version as well as Darwin version in Messages tab

- Mac: Remove references to OS 10.3.9 SDK, fix script build phases in XCode project so it can be built using either XCode 3.2 under OS 10.6 or XCode 3.1 under OS 10.5.

- Mac installer: Create script to build installer for Campus Party (installs finish up the auto-team feature

- Mac Installer: fix typos in installer build script.

- lib: Fix the value returned from get_mac_addresses() on Macintosh computers. It has returned the value of kernResult, which is 0 on success, instead of true for success, since the routine was first written in November 2008. This causes the client to generate a new random CPID every time the client is launched.

- Re-enable the memory leak detection code for the 6.10 branch.

- WIN: Treat Windows SEH exceptions as C++ exceptions so they can be trapped using the standard try/catch handlers.

- WIN: Wrap the coproc detection stuff in C++ exception handlers. If for some reason the Nvidia or ATI APIs cause an exception don't use the GPUs and don't crash BOINC.

- MGR: Rework Mac accessibility for better compatibility with OS 10.6

- boinccmd: Add --set_gpu_mode to command line tool

- boinccmd: don't authorize if no password found or given

- client: don't promote multithread jobs ahead of EDF jobs

- client: fix elapsed time tracking bug

Profile robertmiles
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Message 17556 - Posted: 10 Jun 2010 | 13:56:01 UTC - in response to Message 17427.

On one of my computers (not the one usable for GPUGRID), it appears I need to set the <work_fetch_debug> flag to get more information about why it often stops asking for any more workunits even if it has none left that aren't completed. Where can I find more detailed information on how to set such flags, suitable for someone who has never done it before?

Richard Haselgrove
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Message 17557 - Posted: 10 Jun 2010 | 14:28:22 UTC - in response to Message 17556.

On one of my computers (not the one usable for GPUGRID), it appears I need to set the <work_fetch_debug> flag to get more information about why it often stops asking for any more workunits even if it has none left that aren't completed. Where can I find more detailed information on how to set such flags, suitable for someone who has never done it before?

First couple of places to try:

Official BOINC wiki: Client configuration
BOINC FAQ service: How do I configure my client using the cc_config.xml file?

Profile skgiven
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Message 20856 - Posted: 5 Apr 2011 | 13:27:39 UTC - in response to Message 17557.

Since 25th March 2011, Berkeley has been recommending Boinc version 6.10.60 rather than 6.10.58.
Both x86 and x64 versions are available.

Linux versions are released through package managers.

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Message 20857 - Posted: 5 Apr 2011 | 21:06:37 UTC - in response to Message 20856.

Linux versions are released through package managers.

Depending on the distro, you may never get the new version of the BOINC client. I know that Ubuntu 11.04 will only get 6.10.59. Even more shocking is OpenSUSE, which only has 6.4.5 in the standard repositories! This is an example of one of the downsides to package management: distro maintainers being slow to update non-critical packages like BOINC.

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Message 20858 - Posted: 5 Apr 2011 | 21:55:22 UTC - in response to Message 20857.

I completely agree

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Message 20859 - Posted: 6 Apr 2011 | 4:11:03 UTC - in response to Message 20858.

I double-checked the recommended version for Linux. It's still 6.10.58.

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Message 20862 - Posted: 6 Apr 2011 | 14:39:23 UTC
Last modified: 6 Apr 2011 | 14:41:16 UTC

The only real change for 6.10.60 was the screen saver. If you don't use the BOINC screen saver then there is no reason to upgrade.

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Message 20865 - Posted: 6 Apr 2011 | 18:42:11 UTC - in response to Message 20862.

... and anyone using a GPU to crunch with should not be using the screen saver.

Unless you have a Boinc problem, the usual position is that you don't need to upgrade.

Linux 6.10.60; Yeah, I don't see it in any distro yet.


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Message boards : Number crunching : The last of the 6.10 BOINC clients (6.10.58)
