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Message boards : Graphics cards (GPUs) : GTX285 under vista 64bit too slow!?

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[ESL Brigade] eimer
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Message 8068 - Posted: 2 Apr 2009 | 15:35:13 UTC

Well since i couldnt get any further in the old Thread i decided to start a new one!

Well the problem is my GTX260 under XP gets arround 0,080% every 5~seconds on a WU

But my GTX285 under Vista Ultimate 64bit only gets 0,016% every 5~ Seconds on a WU!

I have tried serveral drivers now (older ones and even new beta version) and serveral BOINC clients, nothing rly improved my speed!

Id be glad if any1 could help me now!

Thanks in advance!

Profile Paul D. Buck
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Message 8074 - Posted: 2 Apr 2009 | 17:30:53 UTC - in response to Message 8068.

Well since i couldnt get any further in the old Thread i decided to start a new one!

Well the problem is my GTX260 under XP gets arround 0,080% every 5~seconds on a WU

But my GTX285 under Vista Ultimate 64bit only gets 0,016% every 5~ Seconds on a WU!

I have tried serveral drivers now (older ones and even new beta version) and serveral BOINC clients, nothing rly improved my speed!

Id be glad if any1 could help me now!

Thanks in advance!

Have you tried swapping the cards?

[ESL Brigade] eimer
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Message 8076 - Posted: 2 Apr 2009 | 18:17:26 UTC - in response to Message 8074.

Hm nope, Ima try that tomorrow gotta go to work in a hr!

Any other advices ?

Neil A
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Message 8078 - Posted: 2 Apr 2009 | 18:59:33 UTC

May be a silly suggestion, but how about checking the speed at which your card is operating? Sounds to me like you are running in 2D or energy saver 2D mode... not 3D with a turbo charger. EVGA precision or something like Everest (or other tools) should be able to give you real time readings on what your card is actually running at. My two cents.

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Message 8085 - Posted: 2 Apr 2009 | 20:45:44 UTC - in response to Message 8078.
Last modified: 2 Apr 2009 | 21:04:49 UTC

The joys of starting a new thread.. he already wrote in the old thread that he's running at turbo clocks. Actually I could imagine this to somehow cause issues. Would be worth a try to switch back to GTX285 stock clocks.

EDIT: I've just seen this post in the other thread where fractal points out that your GTX 285 generates lots of errors. That makes lowering your OC an even better suggestion.

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[ESL Brigade] eimer
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Message 8097 - Posted: 3 Apr 2009 | 1:50:04 UTC - in response to Message 8085.

Its doin the same 0,016% each 5 seconds with my standart settings.
Thoose compute errors came from when i tried new drivers etc cuz i forgot to stop boinc when i deleted the old drivers -.-'

Mark Henderson
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Message 8098 - Posted: 3 Apr 2009 | 2:41:40 UTC

Here is a good link to prevent downclocking. My 260 was going to 2D mode until I found this information.

[ESL Brigade] eimer
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Message 8118 - Posted: 3 Apr 2009 | 12:17:22 UTC

Well its not downclocking yet still ive tried that riva tuner thing and it didnt increase the speed on the WUs.

If i cant get that to work normally i need to switch with the gtx285 to SETI i just tried a few WUs and they are done in like 3minutes each WU..

Im really lost what to do ;|

Profile Michael Goetz
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Message 8119 - Posted: 3 Apr 2009 | 12:59:29 UTC - in response to Message 8118.

If i cant get that to work normally i need to switch with the gtx285 to SETI i just tried a few WUs and they are done in like 3minutes each WU..

This doesn't really help with your problem, but just so that you're comparing useful numbers...

The 3 minutes shown on the result web pages is the **CPU** time used, which, of course, is a meaningless number since the application is mostly running on the GPU and not on the CPU. My SETI work units show up as about 3 minutes also, but the actual run-time is about 11 minutes (on a GTX280/Q6600 combination).

I know with GPUGRID, the actual run-time is shown in the STDOUT log, and if you're using a recent dev version of BOINC, the manager shows you the elapsed time.

Assuming you're not gaming or otherwise running some graphics-intensive program at the time, the elapsed time is probably the most meaningful number.

Just to be clear, you said the progress meter was moving slowly. Did the work units actually take much longer to complete too? Although I can't think of any reason why the progress meter would not work well in this situation, I'd want to rule that out and get some other confirmation that the GPU is indeed running too slowly.

If it were my machines, here's what I would do in order to diagnose the problem:

1) On both of your machines (Vista/GTX285 and XP/GTX260), finish all BOINC work by:
a) Stop all New Work downloads on all projects
b) Abort any work units that have not started yet
c) Let all in-progress work units either complete, or abort them if you're in a hurry.

2) Set your queue length on both machines to 0.1 days so that only one work unit gets downloaded.

3) Power down both machines and swap the video cards.

4) Power back up, enable new work for CPUGRID, and let each machine download and run one work unit. Disable new work after the work unit is downloaded, and abort any additional workunits that might have been downloaded accidently.

5) Let the single work unit on both computers run to completion (or, if running slowly, at least let it run well past the normal completion tims -- about double the time it is expected to take).

6) After doing this test, if the problem was the video card, the slowness should have moved to the XP computer along with the GTX285. If the slowness stays in the Vista machine, then the problem is with the drivers, OS, or some other hardware or software in the VISTA computer.

Also, forgive me for asking a dumb question, but... I assume you're not playing games or running some graphics-intensive program on the Vista/GTX285 computer while running GPUGRID, right? My experience has been that gaming and running GPU/BOINC tasks simultaneously sometimes has almost no effect on the BOINC task, while other times it brings BOINC to a screeching halt.


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Message 8121 - Posted: 3 Apr 2009 | 13:13:00 UTC - in response to Message 8119.

I had another thought...

How many watts are the power supplies in your two computers? Maybe the power supply in the GTX285 machine is marginal and the driver is slowing down the card to compensate?

Likewise, what are the GPU temperatures? Maybe the driver is slowing down the card to prevent overheating.

Just a thought.

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[ESL Brigade] eimer
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Message 8122 - Posted: 3 Apr 2009 | 13:24:13 UTC - in response to Message 8121.

Well i got a 600watt power supples for the q9300 with the gtx285 and my temperature is at 67°C with gpugrid and 72 with SETI on 40% fanspeed

my E6300 gtx260 machine has a 500watt power supply and is arround 68°C under gpugrid.

Profile Michael Goetz
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Message 8129 - Posted: 3 Apr 2009 | 16:39:15 UTC - in response to Message 8122.

Well i got a 600watt power supples for the q9300 with the gtx285 and my temperature is at 67°C with gpugrid and 72 with SETI on 40% fanspeed

my E6300 gtx260 machine has a 500watt power supply and is arround 68°C under gpugrid.

Raw wattage isn't the only important characteristic of the power supply, unfortunately. Some (most?) power supplies have multiple rails for the same (12V) voltage. Some have a single rail. If your power supply has multiple rails, you need to be careful to distribute the power among the different rails to spread the load. If you unintentionally put everything on one rail, you may overload that rail, potentially causing problems. If that's the case, the fix could be as simple as hooking up components to different power supply connectors.

Other than that, I don't know. 600W should be plenty, unless you have a USB-powered coffee maker. ;-)

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[ESL Brigade] eimer
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Message 8132 - Posted: 3 Apr 2009 | 18:23:31 UTC - in response to Message 8129.

Well my 2 power connectors on the card are on seperate power plugs of the power supply if thats what u mean

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Message 8134 - Posted: 3 Apr 2009 | 18:59:53 UTC - in response to Message 8085.

It seems to me that his problem is not that the card is too slow, it is that the card is currently unreliable.


Out of 20 WU's on the snapshot it shows just now:

2 In progress
3 Completed
1 Canceled by server
3 Aborted by User
11 Compute errors <<<<--------------

There's the problem. Cranking the clock speed UP any more is likely to make problems worse.

The other thing that bothers me is -- why is it taking so much CPU time? His slower dual core machine is using half the CPU time to complete a GPU unit..

Profile Paul D. Buck
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Message 8137 - Posted: 3 Apr 2009 | 19:57:04 UTC - in response to Message 8134.

The other thing that bothers me is -- why is it taking so much CPU time? His slower dual core machine is using half the CPU time to complete a GPU unit..

32-bit client installed on 64-bit system?

[ESL Brigade] eimer
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Message 8146 - Posted: 3 Apr 2009 | 20:53:27 UTC - in response to Message 8137.

switched back to XP to test it and it seems to be as slow as on 64bit vista :(

ExtraTerrestrial Apes
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Message 8147 - Posted: 3 Apr 2009 | 20:54:41 UTC - in response to Message 8134.
Last modified: 3 Apr 2009 | 20:56:51 UTC

The other thing that bothers me is -- why is it taking so much CPU time? His slower dual core machine is using half the CPU time to complete a GPU unit..

That's because his 285 actually is slow. I checked the tasks: for WUs of similar credit the 285 will take about twice as much elapsed time and have a twice as long time per step. Longer runtime -> more cpu time.

EDIT and something else is strange: his temperature is higher under SETI than under GPU-Grid. It should be the other way around.. or has seti recently tuned and upgraded their app?

EDIT 2: is the 3D Mark score within expectations?

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[ESL Brigade] eimer
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Message 8181 - Posted: 4 Apr 2009 | 19:08:23 UTC - in response to Message 8147.
Last modified: 4 Apr 2009 | 19:09:25 UTC

Time per step: 78.087 ms - gtx 285
Time per step: 35.272 ms - gtx 260

I will download now the driver im using for my gtx260 for my gtx285 and see if it changes anything (181.20)

[ESL Brigade] eimer
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Message 8209 - Posted: 5 Apr 2009 | 12:54:10 UTC - in response to Message 8181.

Well what can I say with the old driver and WinXP this is happening now ->

Time per step: 32.913 ms

:) I hope it stays like this

Martin Chartrand
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Message 8657 - Posted: 20 Apr 2009 | 16:49:03 UTC
Last modified: 20 Apr 2009 | 16:53:02 UTC

I was reading this thread and became interested.
I too have a GTX285 that crunches 0.016 WU every 3 secondes.
So it takes about 5 hours to do a WU and is usually granted between 3-6000 "work"
That's not bad is it not?

You can read my spec here in the other forum and compare.

Martin Chartrand

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Message 8729 - Posted: 22 Apr 2009 | 16:09:12 UTC

If it makes you feel better my GTX 295 takes around 7hrs per WU but thats pre-overclock, Hopefully a good overclocking will change things. Plus i get to do 2 at once.

ExtraTerrestrial Apes
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Message 8740 - Posted: 22 Apr 2009 | 20:18:30 UTC

5h/WU sounds quite good to me.

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Message boards : Graphics cards (GPUs) : GTX285 under vista 64bit too slow!?
